Sunday, November 4, 2012

A Total Lack of Productivity

I have a six page essay due tomorrow.

And by golly I haven't done any of it yet. I have no idea why I am blogging right now instead of working on it. I cannot for the love of me focus on anything right now, guess I have too many things swirling in my head to let me be productive...Horse Piss.

I seem to be stressed lately about absolutely nothing, I think it most the stuff that I talked about in my venting post. Which I deleted. Because, let's be honest, no one needs to hear about my emotions. They are unnecessary and sappy and boring and no one cares. If you did read that post, be warned. I will find you, and I will kill you. Nah I'm just kiddin, I watch too much Taken. Maybe I'll post another edited vent post, because they actually do kinda help. It's good to get all of it off your chest...Even if I see it as being somewhat embarrassing.

Well...That's about all I have to talk about. You're mother and I are glad we had this talk. Zach Ebert logging off.


  1. I might revive the venting page when it is needed, but for now you shall not know my emotions.
