Monday, October 29, 2012

Bow tie Problems

The Things I do Over the Summer...

    So over the summer I decided to buy me some bow ties. Ya know, they just look cool. So I searched on etsy and found this wonderful site that made handmade, reversible ones. Oh sweet Jesus I was on that like flies over cow dung, got me three bow ties! Booyah! Well...I may have forgotten that you actually have to know how to tie them

  Oops...So I set out to look for a way to learn. Youtube tutorials here I come!

It was a bit harder than what I thought it would be, but I kept trying! I was set on learning.

After many tireless tries I had finally succeeded. I had triumphed over the menace, tied the untie-able! And now I wear these beuts whenever I feel like being dapper. I suggest investing in some bow ties, they really do get a lot of compliments.

So I hoped you enjoyed this little post about my bow tie problems, and that I have inspired you to get some.Go out into the world and make it a more dapper place! Zach out.


  1. "Zach out." haha! I love this! AND etsy. Ahhh, I love etsy.

    1. Haha glad you like it my faithful...and only...follower! And yes etsy is awesome.
